Remove Furman Student Software

Remove Furman Student Software on Windows

  1. Open the Start Menu.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Click Apps

  4. Select Apps & features from the left-hand side menu.

  5. Select the Furman Student Software.

  6. Click the uninstall button that shows under the selected program or app.

  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstall.


Remove Furman Student Software on MacOS

  1. Open the Applications folder
  2. Open the Furman Student Software folder
  3. Run the Uninstall program in the folder


How to uninstall if Furman Student Software folder is missing on MacOS

  1. Download the Furman Student Software using this link
  2. Run the FurmanMac.dmg file that was downloaded to install the Furman Student Software
  3. Follow steps above to remove Furman Student Software for MacOS